And so we the doctors who were admitted to TTSH for SARS felt it too.
We didn't matter. Singapore as a nation came first.
I understand this principle too.
In Singapore the nation comes first. The people second. That's the underlying principle for many government policies. CPF cuts, wage cuts, foreign worker policies etc.
But some people would argue that without Singaporeans is there really a Singapore? After all aren't the only resources that Singapore has, Singaporeans?
Chicken or egg in some way. Some bigger countries like USA, Canada, Australia, UK for instance don't have such problems.
It's a real problem but I'll tell you when you are on the receiving end of it, it's not nice.
There are always 2 sides of a coin. Empathy is important too. But I guess I'm not qualified to have such views.
without Singaporeans, there will still be a Singapore because of foreigners.
Once u understand that, u won't ask what the nation can do for u but what u can do for the nation (PAP)
If we read the romance of the 3 kingdom the true hero is cao cao despite him not being well liked. He solve the problem of food shortage by making soldiers become farmers.
Shu kingdom made the people poorer by launching several campaigns against Wei claiming the "noble task of restoring the Han dynasty"
Our stomach should always come first and this is why the govt can afford to waste money on the Arts because of our reserves.
The late David Marshall once said if he was in charge Singapore would not be as rich as today but the people may have more freedom.
Do we want freedom or food? Those who claims freedom would most likely have enough food.
Why our neighbouring countries can protest is because their people are hungry. Hungry people are angry people. Singapore on the other hand is relatively richer than them and if u aren't rich, it is because u choose not to be rich by spending more than u earn.
Charles Dickens:(paraphrase) Annual Income 1000 Annual expensiture 999 Happiness
Annual Income 10000 Annual expenditure 10001 doom and despair.
Someone who thinks like me. Doctors should have their own private income and thus have no conflict of interest.
Politics is not for me, at least in the next 10-20 years where my aim is to earn money (tuition, locum, shares, singapore government securities)to pay off my debt first.
I have nothing to hide in my posts. I am being honest and true to myself. I don't see anything wrong in accumulating wealth and helping the poor because money gives rise to more money (8th wonder of the world Compounding). The more I acculmulate, the more people I would be able to help.
Dr Koh Eng Kheng Are doctors getting more mercenary these days? While having my hair cut at the barber, I read an article which says that in Britain a new class of people are taking to the medical profession. In the past the British upper crust used to consider only three professions worth following: the clergy, doctoring and the army. Being in the profession was that which counts. Earning a living was of less consequence as these people had private incomes of their own. With higher education being made available now to everyone rich or poor, medicine as a career is now being looked upon as a profession like any other profession – banking, accountancy, engineering. There is no longer any talk of “nobility” in the calling. If you work overtime, you ask for overtime pay. A doctor’s patients are no longer patients or friends, they are his clients. With medicine becoming more of a science rather than an art, can you blame our new doctors for being cold and calculating.
Q1: Entering politics can enable me to help the needy. An individual effort is limited unless I am Gates or Buffett or at least Li Ka Shing. There are schemes out there to help the poor probably too many of them which is why it is difficult to coordinate
To be realistic, it is much better pay out there in the private sector and our ministers are indeed taking a pay cut to stay in parliment. So becoming a minister is to sacrifice one's time and effort but not everybody sees that because of ENVY.
Q2: Medical school was chosen because I wanted to earn money helping people. It was a mistake because both goals are contradictory. Like Dr Sun Yat Sen, I realise what the people needed was not doctors, they needed people to create jobs and help them survive. There is a conflict of interest when one helps for money.
In the past the nobles could chose medicine as a profession because they were more interested in helping people as they were financially independent. Looking at the great scientists out there, majority were financially independent and could afford to look at microscopes their whole life and do good for mankind.
Unfortunately as I am poor, I do not have the luxury of waving fees for the poor as to do so would cause me not to be financially independent and thus create conflict of interest between doctors and patients.
There is no real soultion to this problem since medicine is now open to all instead of nobles only who can afford to waive fees for those who are in need.
Doctors today have more debts than the doctors of yesterdays and thus the profession itself is in danger of losing its noble roots.
u could have not studied medicine gary. not only would u save $$, u would have saved patients too coz i think u'll make a very lousy doctor (safe for the fact that u'll be an administrator) i can't imagine u running the healthcare system of s'pore. besides, not only u (if u do at all) know how to run an organisation, i'm sure MOH is in no shortage of SMART, COMPASSIONATE people to do it. maybe when s'pore has its IR, u can go try your luck at the casino, considering u have got to be very lucky to have scraped through the medical interview and made it through almost 5 years of medical school. maybe by doing that, u'll then have $$ and maybe then, u can put the $$ to good use. then again, i don't believe u'll help the poor because u're too materialistic and will never give that money away.
U are implying that people who run IR are not compassionate??
Who donate money to charity? SIngapore POOLS. How many organisation have donated 1 billion dollars? Yong Loo Lin who is a businessman have donated 100 million but how many comes close??? Who is more compassionate?
According to Warren Buffett, he does not believe in giving food stamps to his children and instead will donate most of his 42 billion away to help in useful causes.
Ever heard of Rockfellas foundation? Ever heard of Gates foundation?
The Singapore community benefits significantly from the sale of our products. Since we started operations in 1968, we have contributed more than $1 billion to support innumerable sports, charity, educational, community and arts projects that have enriched the life of every Singaporean, young and old. In FY 2003/2004, our community funding amounted to more than S$176 million. From the building of welfare institutions and facilities at the zoo and bird park; from the equipping of kidney dialysis centers to the nurturing of national sports excellence and arts for all – we are proud to be able to contribute the much needed infrastructure, facilities and programs for Singaporeans.
Our surpluses are channeled back to the community through the Singapore Totalisator Board.
So Gary. It's obvious. Money comes before everything for you.
Let me ask you this next question and I hope you answer honestly.
If your mother, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Ca, and knowing the poor prognosis of Pancreatic Ca, would you rather opt not to have surgery and save the money or spend the money to give your mother a chance?
Personally I have told my family that if I had cancer, I'd reject all treatment because I think it's a waste of mone. I think it's better to save the money and use it for better use eg invest in some stocks that will give returns that can help my family. After all it's likely I'll die anyway.
They are tax exempt. Can be construed as advertising in some areas.
Since it's going to tax, why not channel it as a directed donation?
I guess that's the game the elite play. Not to say it's bad. They have good intentions and all.
But again all we are talking about here is money money money.
So jia lat ar? Life is just about money?
Then frankly I don't see why we shouldn't have the government say "If you cannot pay, then be prepared to die, after all you are of no use to us (PAP)"
Really like that meh? If so I am very saddened to hear that.
Gary, very sorry that you actually feel like that.
Instead of using a personal member of the family, let's make it more impersonal.
Two conjoined twins come to Singapore for separation surgery, would u donate money to separate them.
Or would u think like Prof Lee Wei Ling and object to the surgery as the outcome was going to be bad. Poor Prof Lee was criticized for what I think is a rational analysis of the situation and I support her decison.
Coming back to the decision. I am already in debt and this is why I want to be financially independent so money would not be an issue to help my mother.
Many Singaporeans forsake their old parents, siblings (u must have seen it in hospitals) not because they want to but because they can not afford their medications.
This is why it is impossible for everyone to try to be financially independent by spending less than they earn and save up moeny to help their family if not the community. What in the world is wrong with that????
Many Singaporeans forsake their old parents, siblings (u must have seen it in hospitals) not because they want to but because they can not afford their medications.
This is why it is impossible for everyone to try to be financially independent by spending less than they earn and save up moeny to help their family if not the community. What in the world is wrong with that????"
I don't quite understand that last bit. When you say what is wrong wit that are you referring to the people who forsake their relatives so that they can try to do the "impossible" that is to attain financial independence?
There is medifund for those who can't afford treatment and this is because our govt has spend less than they earn and build up reserves to help Singaporeans who need help.
Why don't u understand??? Why don't Singaporeans understand?
wah lau eh you typo impossible instead or important like you said machiam like Yes and Nyet.
No wonder I confused.
So what has medifund got to do with people forsaking relatives in hospital ar?
You mean the government should be involved in that too?
Geez. To me it's just bad people who dun care about their relatives who forsake them that's all. We've seen it often as housemen. Family say got not money no time, but drive mercedes and have expensive latest handphones.
They are too concerned with money liao. Nothing to do with the government. It's just bad people caught up with materialism over their loved ones that's all.
Medifund was in response to annoymous who claims the rich will not donate to the poor cause they are materialistic
It was also in response to u claiming the PAP will forsake its citizens once they lose their values.
If those bad people were financially independent would they forsake their loved ones? If they have money to donate to charity, would they not spend it on their family?
If Yong Loo Lin was alive and can afford to donate 100 million, would he not do the same to his family.
Who is more likely to forsake his family all else being equal? A man in debt or a man who is not in debt?
Now I understand how the PAP feels. They do so much for the citizens and it is never enough to please everybody.
Singapore is what it is today thanks to our leaders especially Goh Keng Swee who realise that we need to attract MNC to set up shop here while our neighbours were sleeping. Now our neighbours have woken up and MNC have started to shift there, we have no choice but to restructure our economy resulting in structural employment especially those who think their cheese will always be there.
The doctor who gives injection to the kid is often scolded by him. The government who tries to turn around the economy is similarly criticized by those who don't understand its good intentions
The doctor who performs a per rectal examination (stick his finger up the guys arse) to check for rectal tumour in an old man who has PR bleed and change in bowel habits is usually CURSED and CONDEMNED.
Similarly the houseman who is ordered to perform a manual evacuation for a patient who has not moved his bowel in 1 month.
Ever seen that or done that Gary? I'll tell you it's an experience. During those moments I understood what medicine was about.
While the patient cursed and cursed me, the nurses all left me, my fingers smelled like shit for 2 weeks after that, I'll always remember that if it wasn't for me the poor man would still have all that shit up his ass.
Sometimes you do the deed first. Whether or not people thank you or not. If it's for their good you gotta do it even if they curse you for it because people might not understand. But do I blame the old man? No. Do I get angry with him? No.
Why should I? That's what being a doctor is first and foremost.I dunno about how it's like being a politician.
Ask what you can do for the problem. We take the CPF cuts.
To Quote Mr Lim Boon Heng “I don’t think my reading for the economy is strong enough for us to even consider asking for the restoration of the cut in CPF,”
" It's too early to talk about restoring employers' CPF contribution....Currently it is 13 percent. Is 13 the right figure or is it 16? I think we may possibly move it to 16 if there are a couple of years of very strong growth. But we have just recovered and the economy is growing, so it is too early to talk about moving the CPF contribution of employers from 13 to 16 percent,"
Straits Times Jan 20 2006
The President's salary has been increased by $114,900 to $2,507,200."Finance Ministry spokesman said yesterday that the higher year-end bonus was because 'the economy has performed much better than was expected' at the time the estimates were first made.",5562,365992,00.html?
So when will be economy be performing well enough for the simple public to have their CPF restored? Perhaps it's never because it was a permanent restructuring.
You see Gary, the point is not so much whether it is right or wrong, whether it is popular or not. But as a politician you have to be a bit more sly in the way you present things.
For Singapore to stay competitive, CPF cuts is necessary. Our neighbours have woken up.
I just want to summarize my point. If u think it is wrong, so be it.
Rich man are not crooks. Some of them donate money to charity thus there is nothing wrong for anyone to want to be rich to help the poor. The rich also pays higher taxes which subsidises the poor (medifund)
If u believe it is immoral to be rich or even want to be rich, it is yr point of view and u should not impose yr morals on others.
Comments like you shouldn't be doctor are uncalled for because who are u to judge others. B4 u throw stones at others, let he who is without sin throw the first rock.
People are generally irrational (buy high sell low), they believe wrongly that the rich are rich because they exploit others and not see them as creator of jobs (ENVY).
These lead to them thinking that they are more morally upright than those who are richer than them even if they donate money to charity, they will find all sorts of excuses (tax exemption, ease guilt)
Dr Vivian once told me that those who can afford to leave Singapore can do so. But the PAP has to think of those who can't afford to leave Singapore. Every decision they make has an impact on those who live on this island. Can Singapore survive? WIll Singapore be better off without the PAP?
Dr Tan Cheng Bock a backbencher often comes to mind. Look at his debates. Is he a bad doctor just because he is a politician? Sad to see his constitution absorb into the GRC.
PAP has made Singapore a safe place to live in. Are there riots or strikes in Singapore?
Agree with you. Nobody should say you should not be a doctor. I apologize that I said that the last time.
It is not wrong to want to be rich either. It is not immoral also.
However my personal practice is that I do not need to be rich before I can start helping others.
I learnt this when I was in school doing charity work. It all begins with you.
That's the point I'm trying to make from my point of view. I'm not imposing it on you. But you keep on refusing to acknowledge that this is an option that you CHOOSE not to take, not because you can't but your choice.
Anyway these are just view exchanges. I wish you all the best as I have several times throughout my exchanges with you.
gary said, "without Singaporeans, there will still be a Singapore because of foreigners."
LOL!!... That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard! LOL!... Hey gary, are you an idiot or what? Without Singaporeans, try getting those foreigners to do NS and defend Singapore. You'll get NO foreigners immediately. No wonder PAP is so powerful today, cos with idiots like you to support them. LOL!...
This Ang Yee Gary is clearly disturbed and delusional and its scary that these people might be or already are the type of people that will be governing the country. Look at his statements-
1. "Singapore values people who can add to our GDP not because Singapore govt is money minded but because we are a small nation with no natural resources."
So does this mean social workers, charity workers, religious leaders, handicapped people, grandparents and retirees are no longer valuable to the country because these people certainly do not add to the GDP in a economic sense. So should we send them to live at Palau Pawai because they have no economic value?
2."without Singaporeans, there will still be a Singapore because of foreigners."
How does a singapore without singaporeans qualifies as a nation. Then we might as well be singapore pte. ltd. Is he advocating we all adopt a mercenary nature because lets face it, foreigners are here plainly for the money and not because they love singapore or will bleed to defend it.
3."Do we want freedom or food? Those who claims freedom would most likely have enough food."
So who said freedom and food is mutually exclusive? Look at North Koreans- they have no freedom, yet they are starving. Infact I challenge Gary to name me a free country that has its citizens starving and hungering for food. This is just a baseless theory perpertuated by LKY to justify his autocratic policies. Is it a coincidence that most of the poorest countries on earth are also the most corrupt and authocratic. Compare the living standards between countries like cuba, north korea, nepal, nicaragua to those of denmark, switzerland, finland and norway.
4. "I don't see anything wrong in accumulating wealth and helping the poor because money gives rise to more money (8th wonder of the world Compounding). The more I acculmulate, the more people I would be able to help."
This is just a self serving statement to justify his selfish pursuit of wealth. Mother Teresa has neither wealth nor power, but that did not stop her from helping countlesss poor in calcutta. So does that mean, only the wealthy has the ability to help the poor?
5. "Entering politics can enable me to help the needy. An individual effort is limited unless I am Gates or Buffett or at least Li Ka Shing."
Clearly in the statements that Gary has made, he has little interest in helping the poor. He is just trying to make himself sound noble when his true intention is for wealth and power. I question his true intentions just as I find most of the motivations of the MIWs and its supporters to be questionable.
6 "Who donate money to charity?Singapore POOLS. How many organisation have donated 1 billion dollars?"
Well cigarette and tobacco companies also donate a lot of money to charities but this does not make them saints. Hell even Osama bin Laden donates money to poor muslim nations to setup schools, so what? Should we also be praising him?
7"Singapore is what it is today thanks to our leaders especially Goh Keng Swee who realise that we need to attract MNC to set up shop here while our neighbours were sleeping."
This is funny, because by this statement, we can also construed that singapore is what it is not because of what our leaders have done but what our competitors has not done or has neglected to do.
Anyway this is all I have to say, there are many more examples I can provide to demonstrate the clear lack of logic, rationality and morality by this pappy supporter. But then again, what can we expect from a pappy supporter- intelligence?
I am game1980 and I seldom post there because that forum is all about name calling and very disappointed that this blog is beginning to degenerate into one lke that.
I disagree with u but i wlll fight to the death yr right to reply. Whatever happen to that?
It is always "fool", "idiot" when people disagree with u. An intelligent discussion can certain do without name calling.
It is interesting to find out the number of PR in Singapore and hopefully the citizens realise that Singapore is not just for them only but for foreigners. I never claim this was right or wrong just that this is the fact so live with it.
Can singapore survive with a nation of social workers? We aren;t there yet, maybe one day when our reserves can produce income equal to our budget we can survive on a nation of social workers. Is there any one nation who encourage all their youngsters to be social workers? First the bread then help the poor. A sound policy but why it is so difficult to understand.
Freedom and food may not be exclusive but given a choice which is your priority. Are all leaders as enlightened as our Miniister Mentor?
Without financial support, can Mother Teresa do just as much?
Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje*, Macedonia, on August 27, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After a few months' training in Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her to extend the scope of her work.
On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received permission from the Holy See to start her own order, "The Missionaries of Charity", whose primary task was to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after. In 1965 the Society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI.
Today the order comprises Active and Contemplative branches of Sisters and Brothers in many countries. In 1963 both the Contemplative branch of the Sisters and the Active branch of the Brothers was founded. In 1979 the Contemplative branch of the Brothers was added, and in 1984 the Priest branch was established.
The Society of Missionaries has spread all over the world, including the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. They provide effective help to the poorest of the poor in a number of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and they undertake relief work in the wake of natural catastrophes such as floods, epidemics, and famine, and for refugees. The order also has houses in North America, Europe and Australia, where they take care of the shut-ins, alcoholics, homeless, and AIDS sufferers.
The Missionaries of Charity throughout the world are aided and assisted by Co-Workers who became an official International Association on March 29, 1969. By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 countries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow Mother Teresa's spirit and charism in their families.
Mother Teresa's work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding (1972). She also received the Balzan Prize (1979) and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.
Nody ever asked u to praise tobacco or alcohol companies. Just don't criticize Spools and IR because of the jobs they created and the money they channel back to the needy.
If our leaders had not seized the opportunity, would we have achieved what we had today?
In summary, to u everyone who believes in being rational and realistic is "idiot and fool". While those with compassion and bankrupt the nation are saints. Look at UK NHS and welfare system there, so the govt there are saints while the pragmatic PAP is not.
Again u are entitled to yr opinion but is there a real need to insult others??
While if one in four people in Singapore is foreigner, it is considered significant enough. facts are facts
Singapore's population has surged past the four-million mark, with the increase being made up largely through an influx of foreigners according to findings released by the Singapore Department of Statistics on 31 Aug 2000. More than one in four people in Singapore is now a foreigner. The rise in the number of foreigners has also outpaced the rate of growth for citizens, according to this year's census figures.
There are now one million more people compared to ten years ago. But more than half of this increase is made up of permanent residents (PRs) and non-residents - foreign workers, students, expatriates, and others without permanent residency, including transients and tourists. Singapore citizens account for 74% of the population - a drop from 86.1% in 1990.
The median age in Singapore has gone up from 29 in 1990 to 34 now. Those aged between 45 and 54 saw the fastest growth, at 6.7% each year. The trend could be tied to the movement of post war baby boomers into the older age brackets, Chief Statistician Dr Paul Cheung said. Females now outnumber males for the first time. There are now 998 males for every 1,000 females. Dr Cheung attributed this to migration, as a large number of PRs are women married to Singapore men, and to the fact that women outlive men.
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A colleague of mine has forwarded Gary's blog posts to the Dean's Office.
On my part, I hope I never get Gary as my House Officer -- I'd be worried about my patients.
I also hope I never get Gary as the doctor looking after my relatives.
P.S. The trick to manual evacuations is to wear 8 pairs of gloves. That way ur hand won't smell of shit... just discard each glove as it gets too slippery. Also don't stand directly "in the line of fire"... :p
Alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc, Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea. Alo, alo, sunt eu Picasso, Ti-am dat beep,Ju si sunt voinic, Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei, Nu ma, nu ma iei, Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei. Chipul tau si dragostea din tei, Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.
Te sun, sa-ti spun, ce simt acum, Alo, iubirea mea, sunt eu, fericirea. Alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso, Ti-am dat beep,Ju si sunt voinic, Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
What you says is pretty valid but I personally believe that you need to fine tune your moral compass.(not that you are immoral) You need a right heart to handle the wealth that is to come. If you have the mind to get the wealth without the heart to manage it then it probably will be done on expense of others.Hopefully you can incoporate some of the valid points others have brought up to include it in your goals in the future. All the best gary :)
It's evident that Gary is an highly intelligent individual with a limited life experience. Let's hope housemanship and NS change him considerably before he gets his hands on a leadership post of any sort.
Inidentally, I'm interested to know which year gary is in. Just so that i know which HO/MO to avoid when the time comes.
To all those medical professionals who battled SARS, thumbs up!
By minimana, At March 14, 2006 1:08 pm
Hey I have one of those too!
Actually they gave us more than $2 lah. There was a one time bonus given.
But it was a sad time during the period seeing friends go down, consultants dying...
The way we were treated by MOH also made me realize that they really didn't care about health care workers that much.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 1:09 pm
ACtually that would make a nice T-shrirt right?
"I battled SARS and all I got was ...
*Picture of coin*"
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 3:56 pm
Singapore values people who can add to our GDP not because Singapore govt is money minded but because we are a small nation with no natural resources.
We were nearly wiped out by SARS not by the number of people dying but because tourists stayed away from them.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 4:54 pm
And so we the doctors who were admitted to TTSH for SARS felt it too.
We didn't matter. Singapore as a nation came first.
I understand this principle too.
In Singapore the nation comes first. The people second. That's the underlying principle for many government policies. CPF cuts, wage cuts, foreign worker policies etc.
But some people would argue that without Singaporeans is there really a Singapore? After all aren't the only resources that Singapore has, Singaporeans?
Chicken or egg in some way. Some bigger countries like USA, Canada, Australia, UK for instance don't have such problems.
It's a real problem but I'll tell you when you are on the receiving end of it, it's not nice.
There are always 2 sides of a coin. Empathy is important too. But I guess I'm not qualified to have such views.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 5:00 pm
without Singaporeans, there will still be a Singapore because of foreigners.
Once u understand that, u won't ask what the nation can do for u but what u can do for the nation (PAP)
If we read the romance of the 3 kingdom the true hero is cao cao despite him not being well liked.
He solve the problem of food shortage by making soldiers become farmers.
Shu kingdom made the people poorer by launching several campaigns against Wei claiming the "noble task of restoring the Han dynasty"
Our stomach should always come first and this is why the govt can afford to waste money on the Arts because of our reserves.
The late David Marshall once said if he was in charge Singapore would not be as rich as today but the people may have more freedom.
Do we want freedom or food?
Those who claims freedom would most likely have enough food.
Why our neighbouring countries can protest is because their people are hungry. Hungry people are angry people. Singapore on the other hand is relatively richer than them and if u aren't rich, it is because u choose not to be rich by spending more than u earn.
Charles Dickens:(paraphrase)
Annual Income 1000 Annual expensiture 999 Happiness
Annual Income 10000 Annual expenditure 10001 doom and despair.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 5:44 pm
well that was why I had hoped I could move to Oz. At least I could have more of a choice there.
So you confirm what I know already.
You'll be very comfortable in the PAP.
Just let you know if you ever run for politics all your comments here will be posted at a blog overseas.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 5:50 pm
Someone who thinks like me. Doctors should have their own private income and thus have no conflict of interest.
Politics is not for me, at least in the next 10-20 years where my aim is to earn money (tuition, locum, shares, singapore government securities)to pay off my debt first.
I have nothing to hide in my posts. I am being honest and true to myself. I don't see anything wrong in accumulating wealth and helping the poor because money gives rise to more money (8th wonder of the world Compounding). The more I acculmulate, the more people I would be able to help.
Dr Koh Eng Kheng
Are doctors getting more mercenary these days?
While having my hair cut at the barber, I read an article
which says that in Britain a new class of people are taking
to the medical profession. In the past the British upper crust
used to consider only three professions worth following:
the clergy, doctoring and the army. Being in the profession
was that which counts. Earning a living was of less
consequence as these people had private incomes of
their own. With higher education being made available
now to everyone rich or poor, medicine as a career is
now being looked upon as a profession like any other
profession – banking, accountancy, engineering. There is
no longer any talk of “nobility” in the calling. If you work
overtime, you ask for overtime pay. A doctor’s patients are
no longer patients or friends, they are his clients. With
medicine becoming more of a science rather than an art,
can you blame our new doctors for being cold and calculating.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 5:56 pm
Ok let me ask you 2 honest questions and I hope you answer honestly too.
Why bother with politics at all? OR is the money an attraction to you? A minister's pay is very good money.
Also did you enter medical school because you were only interested in the money?
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 6:00 pm
Q1: Entering politics can enable me to help the needy. An individual effort is limited unless I am Gates or Buffett or at least Li Ka Shing. There are schemes out there to help the poor probably too many of them which is why it is difficult to coordinate
To be realistic, it is much better pay out there in the private sector and our ministers are indeed taking a pay cut to stay in parliment. So becoming a minister is to sacrifice one's time and effort but not everybody sees that because of ENVY.
Q2: Medical school was chosen because I wanted to earn money helping people. It was a mistake because both goals are contradictory. Like Dr Sun Yat Sen, I realise what the people needed was not doctors, they needed people to create jobs and help them survive. There is a conflict of interest when one helps for money.
In the past the nobles could chose medicine as a profession because they were more interested in helping people as they were financially independent. Looking at the great scientists out there, majority were financially independent and could afford to look at microscopes their whole life and do good for mankind.
Unfortunately as I am poor, I do not have the luxury of waving fees for the poor as to do so would cause me not to be financially independent and thus create conflict of interest between doctors and patients.
There is no real soultion to this problem since medicine is now open to all instead of nobles only who can afford to waive fees for those who are in need.
Doctors today have more debts than the doctors of yesterdays and thus the profession itself is in danger of losing its noble roots.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:23 pm
u could have not studied medicine gary. not only would u save $$, u would have saved patients too coz i think u'll make a very lousy doctor (safe for the fact that u'll be an administrator) i can't imagine u running the healthcare system of s'pore. besides, not only u (if u do at all) know how to run an organisation, i'm sure MOH is in no shortage of SMART, COMPASSIONATE people to do it. maybe when s'pore has its IR, u can go try your luck at the casino, considering u have got to be very lucky to have scraped through the medical interview and made it through almost 5 years of medical school. maybe by doing that, u'll then have $$ and maybe then, u can put the $$ to good use. then again, i don't believe u'll help the poor because u're too materialistic and will never give that money away.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:26 pm
U are implying that people who run IR are not compassionate??
Who donate money to charity?
SIngapore POOLS.
How many organisation have donated 1 billion dollars?
Yong Loo Lin who is a businessman have donated 100 million but how many comes close???
Who is more compassionate?
According to Warren Buffett, he does not believe in giving food stamps to his children and instead will donate most of his 42 billion away to help in useful causes.
Ever heard of Rockfellas foundation? Ever heard of Gates foundation?
The Singapore community benefits significantly from the sale of our products. Since we started operations in 1968, we have contributed more than $1 billion to support innumerable sports, charity, educational, community and arts projects that have enriched the life of every Singaporean, young and old. In FY 2003/2004, our community funding amounted to more than S$176 million.
From the building of welfare institutions and facilities at the zoo and bird park; from the equipping of kidney dialysis centers to the nurturing of national sports excellence and arts for all – we are proud to be able to contribute the much needed infrastructure, facilities and programs for Singaporeans.
Our surpluses are channeled back to the community through the Singapore Totalisator Board.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:37 pm
So Gary. It's obvious. Money comes before everything for you.
Let me ask you this next question and I hope you answer honestly.
If your mother, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Ca, and knowing the poor prognosis of Pancreatic Ca, would you rather opt not to have surgery and save the money or spend the money to give your mother a chance?
Personally I have told my family that if I had cancer, I'd reject all treatment because I think it's a waste of mone. I think it's better to save the money and use it for better use eg invest in some stocks that will give returns that can help my family. After all it's likely I'll die anyway.
What do you think?
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 6:38 pm
Going to the casino is a sure way of losing money as the expected return is neagtive.
This is why casino are great contributors to charity and why Singapore needs them urgently to help the poor who are in need of their funding.
People would rather gamble away their moeny than to donate it away.
Who is more compassionate?
The gamblers or the casino.
U decide.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:39 pm
Compassion is not on the minds of the Gambler nor the Casino.
There is only one thing on their minds. Same thing that you have on your mind constantly Gary
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 6:42 pm
They are tax exempt. Can be construed as advertising in some areas.
Since it's going to tax, why not channel it as a directed donation?
I guess that's the game the elite play. Not to say it's bad. They have good intentions and all.
But again all we are talking about here is money money money.
So jia lat ar? Life is just about money?
Then frankly I don't see why we shouldn't have the government say "If you cannot pay, then be prepared to die, after all you are of no use to us (PAP)"
Really like that meh? If so I am very saddened to hear that.
Gary, very sorry that you actually feel like that.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 6:45 pm
Instead of using a personal member of the family, let's make it more impersonal.
Two conjoined twins come to Singapore for separation surgery, would u donate money to separate them.
Or would u think like Prof Lee Wei Ling and object to the surgery as the outcome was going to be bad.
Poor Prof Lee was criticized for what I think is a rational analysis of the situation and I support her decison.
Coming back to the decision.
I am already in debt and this is why I want to be financially independent so money would not be an issue to help my mother.
Many Singaporeans forsake their old parents, siblings (u must have seen it in hospitals) not because they want to but because they can not afford their medications.
This is why it is impossible for everyone to try to be financially independent by spending less than they earn and save up moeny to help their family if not the community. What in the world is wrong with that????
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:45 pm
Many Singaporeans forsake their old parents, siblings (u must have seen it in hospitals) not because they want to but because they can not afford their medications.
This is why it is impossible for everyone to try to be financially independent by spending less than they earn and save up moeny to help their family if not the community. What in the world is wrong with that????"
I don't quite understand that last bit. When you say what is wrong wit that are you referring to the people who forsake their relatives so that they can try to do the "impossible" that is to attain financial independence?
Sorry you weren't very clear
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 6:49 pm
There is medifund for those who can't afford treatment and this is because our govt has spend less than they earn and build up reserves to help Singaporeans who need help.
Why don't u understand???
Why don't Singaporeans understand?
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:52 pm
Important and not impossible
Just like Morteggia is not Galeazzi
Ostrochondroma is not Osteoid osteoma
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 6:54 pm
wah lau eh you typo impossible instead or important like you said machiam like Yes and Nyet.
No wonder I confused.
So what has medifund got to do with people forsaking relatives in hospital ar?
You mean the government should be involved in that too?
Geez. To me it's just bad people who dun care about their relatives who forsake them that's all. We've seen it often as housemen. Family say got not money no time, but drive mercedes and have expensive latest handphones.
They are too concerned with money liao. Nothing to do with the government. It's just bad people caught up with materialism over their loved ones that's all.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 7:00 pm
Medifund was in response to annoymous who claims the rich will not donate to the poor cause they are materialistic
It was also in response to u claiming the PAP will forsake its citizens once they lose their values.
If those bad people were financially independent would they forsake their loved ones?
If they have money to donate to charity, would they not spend it on their family?
If Yong Loo Lin was alive and can afford to donate 100 million, would he not do the same to his family.
Who is more likely to forsake his family all else being equal?
A man in debt or a man who is not in debt?
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 7:06 pm
ang you poor sad misled mis happened disillusioned pap puppet.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 7:08 pm
Now I understand how the PAP feels.
They do so much for the citizens and it is never enough to please everybody.
Singapore is what it is today thanks to our leaders especially Goh Keng Swee who realise that we need to attract MNC to set up shop here while our neighbours were sleeping. Now our neighbours have woken up and MNC have started to shift there, we have no choice but to restructure our economy resulting in structural employment especially those who think their cheese will always be there.
The doctor who gives injection to the kid is often scolded by him. The government who tries to turn around the economy is similarly criticized by those who don't understand its good intentions
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 7:23 pm
The doctor who performs a per rectal examination (stick his finger up the guys arse) to check for rectal tumour in an old man who has PR bleed and change in bowel habits is usually CURSED and CONDEMNED.
Similarly the houseman who is ordered to perform a manual evacuation for a patient who has not moved his bowel in 1 month.
Ever seen that or done that Gary? I'll tell you it's an experience. During those moments I understood what medicine was about.
While the patient cursed and cursed me, the nurses all left me, my fingers smelled like shit for 2 weeks after that, I'll always remember that if it wasn't for me the poor man would still have all that shit up his ass.
Sometimes you do the deed first. Whether or not people thank you or not. If it's for their good you gotta do it even if they curse you for it because people might not understand. But do I blame the old man? No. Do I get angry with him? No.
Why should I? That's what being a doctor is first and foremost.I dunno about how it's like being a politician.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 7:39 pm
It's similar to what a politician has to done.
Try their best to help the people but it is never enough.
Look at Thaksin, try so much to improve the lives of citizens of Thailand. What he gets are riots and demonstrations against him.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 7:45 pm
Hey Gary I have another question for you.
Ask what you can do for the problem. We take the CPF cuts.
To Quote Mr Lim Boon Heng “I don’t think my reading for the economy is strong enough for us to even consider asking for the restoration of the cut in CPF,”
" It's too early to talk about restoring employers' CPF contribution....Currently it is 13 percent. Is 13 the right figure or is it 16? I think we may possibly move it to 16 if there are a couple of years of very strong growth. But we have just recovered and the economy is growing, so it is too early to talk about moving the CPF contribution of employers from 13 to 16 percent,"
Straits Times Jan 20 2006
The President's salary has been increased by $114,900 to $2,507,200."Finance Ministry spokesman said yesterday that the higher year-end bonus was because 'the economy has performed much better than was expected' at the time the estimates were first made.",5562,365992,00.html?
So when will be economy be performing well enough for the simple public to have their CPF restored? Perhaps it's never because it was a permanent restructuring.
You see Gary, the point is not so much whether it is right or wrong, whether it is popular or not. But as a politician you have to be a bit more sly in the way you present things.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 7:54 pm
Anyway Gary,
how you know how the PAP feels?
Are you the PAP? I think they probably don't care that much about the minority voices.
You're ok lah. Just try to be less obsessed with money ok?
PS : I am not qualified to give advice! I know! I know!
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 8:06 pm
For Singapore to stay competitive, CPF cuts is necessary. Our neighbours have woken up.
I just want to summarize my point.
If u think it is wrong, so be it.
Rich man are not crooks. Some of them donate money to charity thus there is nothing wrong for anyone to want to be rich to help the poor. The rich also pays higher taxes which subsidises the poor (medifund)
If u believe it is immoral to be rich or even want to be rich, it is yr point of view and u should not impose yr morals on others.
Comments like you shouldn't be doctor are uncalled for because who are u to judge others. B4 u throw stones at others, let he who is without sin throw the first rock.
People are generally irrational (buy high sell low), they believe wrongly that the rich are rich because they exploit others and not see them as creator of jobs (ENVY).
These lead to them thinking that they are more morally upright than those who are richer than them even if they donate money to charity, they will find all sorts of excuses (tax exemption, ease guilt)
Good day to all.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 8:11 pm
Dr Vivian once told me that those who can afford to leave Singapore can do so. But the PAP has to think of those who can't afford to leave Singapore. Every decision they make has an impact on those who live on this island. Can Singapore survive? WIll Singapore be better off without the PAP?
Dr Tan Cheng Bock a backbencher often comes to mind. Look at his debates. Is he a bad doctor just because he is a politician? Sad to see his constitution absorb into the GRC.
PAP has made Singapore a safe place to live in. Are there riots or strikes in Singapore?
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 8:16 pm
Hey Gary, are you Game1980?
Agree with you. Nobody should say you should not be a doctor. I apologize that I said that the last time.
It is not wrong to want to be rich either. It is not immoral also.
However my personal practice is that I do not need to be rich before I can start helping others.
I learnt this when I was in school doing charity work. It all begins with you.
That's the point I'm trying to make from my point of view. I'm not imposing it on you. But you keep on refusing to acknowledge that this is an option that you CHOOSE not to take, not because you can't but your choice.
Anyway these are just view exchanges. I wish you all the best as I have several times throughout my exchanges with you.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 8:18 pm
Anyway Gary, better spend less time posting and more time studying.
Clear the final mbbs exams then when you free post again.
Important things first. Ok?
Good luck. When does the exams end?
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 8:33 pm
Gary you sound very much like this Game1980 person from youngpap forums. He's probably your classmate if you aren't him
Joined: 29 Apr 2003
Posts: 609
Status: Offline
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2003 6:04 pm
just to correct some wrong info
medicine is 3 times more than normal fees
5 yrs long
And 6 yr bond
So only rich people can become doctors and u wonder why yr doctor don't understand u or are overcharging u?
P.S. I am a yr 2 medical student who is not rich , b4 I graduate I am after 2 yrs 24000 in debt to DBS for my tuition loan
I wonder for my future
Warning: Only rich people can be doctors if not u end up like me
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 14, 2006 8:52 pm
gary said, "without Singaporeans, there will still be a Singapore because of foreigners."
LOL!!... That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard! LOL!... Hey gary, are you an idiot or what? Without Singaporeans, try getting those foreigners to do NS and defend Singapore. You'll get NO foreigners immediately. No wonder PAP is so powerful today, cos with idiots like you to support them. LOL!...
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 9:00 pm
This Ang Yee Gary is clearly disturbed and delusional and its scary that these people might be or already are the type of people that will be governing the country. Look at his statements-
1. "Singapore values people who can add to our GDP not because Singapore govt is money minded but because we are a small nation with no natural resources."
So does this mean social workers, charity workers, religious leaders, handicapped people, grandparents and retirees are no longer valuable to the country because these people certainly do not add to the GDP in a economic sense. So should we send them to live at Palau Pawai because they have no economic value?
2."without Singaporeans, there will still be a Singapore because of foreigners."
How does a singapore without singaporeans qualifies as a nation. Then we might as well be singapore pte. ltd. Is he advocating we all adopt a mercenary nature because lets face it, foreigners are here plainly for the money and not because they love singapore or will bleed to defend it.
3."Do we want freedom or food? Those who claims freedom would most likely have enough food."
So who said freedom and food is mutually exclusive? Look at North Koreans- they have no freedom, yet they are starving. Infact I challenge Gary to name me a free country that has its citizens starving and hungering for food. This is just a baseless theory perpertuated by LKY to justify his autocratic policies. Is it a coincidence that most of the poorest countries on earth are also the most corrupt and authocratic. Compare the living standards between countries like cuba, north korea, nepal, nicaragua to those of denmark, switzerland, finland and norway.
4. "I don't see anything wrong in accumulating wealth and helping the poor because money gives rise to more money (8th wonder of the world Compounding). The more I acculmulate, the more people I would be able to help."
This is just a self serving statement to justify his selfish pursuit of wealth. Mother Teresa has neither wealth nor power, but that did not stop her from helping countlesss poor in calcutta. So does that mean, only the wealthy has the ability to help the poor?
5. "Entering politics can enable me to help the needy. An individual effort is limited unless I am Gates or Buffett or at least Li Ka Shing."
Clearly in the statements that Gary has made, he has little interest in helping the poor. He is just trying to make himself sound noble when his true intention is for wealth and power. I question his true intentions just as I find most of the motivations of the MIWs and its supporters to be questionable.
6 "Who donate money to charity?Singapore POOLS. How many organisation have donated 1 billion dollars?"
Well cigarette and tobacco companies also donate a lot of money to charities but this does not make them saints. Hell even Osama bin Laden donates money to poor muslim nations to setup schools, so what? Should we also be praising him?
7"Singapore is what it is today thanks to our leaders especially Goh Keng Swee who realise that we need to attract MNC to set up shop here while our neighbours were sleeping."
This is funny, because by this statement, we can also construed that singapore is what it is not because of what our leaders have done but what our competitors has not done or has neglected to do.
Anyway this is all I have to say, there are many more examples I can provide to demonstrate the clear lack of logic, rationality and morality by this pappy supporter. But then again, what can we expect from a pappy supporter- intelligence?
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 9:04 pm
what can i say? gary is truly a fool. his theories are so dumb and yet he thinks that he knows EVERYTHING ?
cmon gary, u only think that the people in power are right! that's why u quote egs like warren buffet, the PAP, even Prof Lee Wei Ling in your post.
have a mind of your own! u say singaporeans don't understand. i think its you who refuse to acknowledge that YOU are wrong!
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 9:17 pm
I am game1980 and I seldom post there because that forum is all about name calling and very disappointed that this blog is beginning to degenerate into one lke that.
I disagree with u but i wlll fight to the death yr right to reply.
Whatever happen to that?
It is always "fool", "idiot" when people disagree with u. An intelligent discussion can certain do without name calling.
It is interesting to find out the number of PR in Singapore and hopefully the citizens realise that Singapore is not just for them only but for foreigners. I never claim this was right or wrong just that this is the fact so live with it.
Can singapore survive with a nation of social workers? We aren;t there yet, maybe one day when our reserves can produce income equal to our budget we can survive on a nation of social workers.
Is there any one nation who encourage all their youngsters to be social workers?
First the bread then help the poor. A sound policy but why it is so difficult to understand.
Freedom and food may not be exclusive but given a choice which is your priority. Are all leaders as enlightened as our Miniister Mentor?
Without financial support, can Mother Teresa do just as much?
Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje*, Macedonia, on August 27, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After a few months' training in Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her to extend the scope of her work.
On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received permission from the Holy See to start her own order, "The Missionaries of Charity", whose primary task was to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after. In 1965 the Society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI.
Today the order comprises Active and Contemplative branches of Sisters and Brothers in many countries. In 1963 both the Contemplative branch of the Sisters and the Active branch of the Brothers was founded. In 1979 the Contemplative branch of the Brothers was added, and in 1984 the Priest branch was established.
The Society of Missionaries has spread all over the world, including the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. They provide effective help to the poorest of the poor in a number of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and they undertake relief work in the wake of natural catastrophes such as floods, epidemics, and famine, and for refugees. The order also has houses in North America, Europe and Australia, where they take care of the shut-ins, alcoholics, homeless, and AIDS sufferers.
The Missionaries of Charity throughout the world are aided and assisted by Co-Workers who became an official International Association on March 29, 1969. By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 countries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow Mother Teresa's spirit and charism in their families.
Mother Teresa's work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding (1972). She also received the Balzan Prize (1979) and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.
Nody ever asked u to praise tobacco or alcohol companies. Just don't criticize Spools and IR because of the jobs they created and the money they channel back to the needy.
If our leaders had not seized the opportunity, would we have achieved what we had today?
In summary, to u everyone who believes in being rational and realistic is "idiot and fool". While those with compassion and bankrupt the nation are saints. Look at UK NHS and welfare system there, so the govt there are saints while the pragmatic PAP is not.
Again u are entitled to yr opinion but is there a real need to insult others??
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 10:25 pm
While if one in four people in Singapore is foreigner, it is considered significant enough.
facts are facts
Singapore's population has surged past the four-million mark, with the increase being made up largely through an influx of foreigners according to findings released by the Singapore Department of Statistics on 31 Aug 2000. More than one in four people in Singapore is now a foreigner. The rise in the number of foreigners has also outpaced the rate of growth for citizens, according to this year's census figures.
There are now one million more people compared to ten years ago. But more than half of this increase is made up of permanent residents (PRs) and non-residents - foreign workers, students, expatriates, and others without permanent residency, including transients and tourists. Singapore citizens account for 74% of the population - a drop from 86.1% in 1990.
The median age in Singapore has gone up from 29 in 1990 to 34 now. Those aged between 45 and 54 saw the fastest growth, at 6.7% each year. The trend could be tied to the movement of post war baby boomers into the older age brackets, Chief Statistician Dr Paul Cheung said. Females now outnumber males for the first time. There are now 998 males for every 1,000 females. Dr Cheung attributed this to migration, as a large number of PRs are women married to Singapore men, and to the fact that women outlive men.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 10:35 pm
This is reminiscent of very long and torturous post between cyke and game1980...
Gary as game1980 and the disillusioned cyke as the enlightened dr oz bloke .
Why dont the two of you meet up and have a good chat,msn/yahooIM, send personal emails/private messages to one another and be best buddies ???
Other wise please just KISS.
(Keep it short and sweet)
I know each one has rights to freedom of speech but it is getting overboard and it turns many of us off.
dr oz bloke and gary...plese la
Be considerate and dont blog hog.
By Anonymous, At March 14, 2006 11:58 pm
blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog blog hog
By Anonymous, At March 15, 2006 12:20 am
A colleague of mine has forwarded Gary's blog posts to the Dean's Office.
On my part, I hope I never get Gary as my House Officer -- I'd be worried about my patients.
I also hope I never get Gary as the doctor looking after my relatives.
P.S. The trick to manual evacuations is to wear 8 pairs of gloves. That way ur hand won't smell of shit... just discard each glove as it gets too slippery. Also don't stand directly "in the line of fire"... :p
By Anonymous, At March 15, 2006 8:41 am
If that's the case, what's the purpose for Singaporeans to serve NS. Are they going to make foreigners defend this country?
By Anonymous, At March 15, 2006 9:06 am
Apologies for blog hogging.
Actually this blog entry was about healthcare worker fighting SARS!
What happened? :) Guess I'm at fault.
By Dr Oz bloke, At March 15, 2006 9:11 am
Apologies from me too.
Wonder which post is forward to the Dean Office? Hopefully they forward the whole post and not take it out of context.
Some of my posts were copied from others. Hopefully they realise that and not take what I post as what I believe in.
By Anonymous, At March 15, 2006 11:23 am
Alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc,
Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea.
Alo, alo, sunt eu Picasso,
Ti-am dat beep,Ju si sunt voinic,
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
Nu ma, nu ma iei,
Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.
Te sun, sa-ti spun, ce simt acum,
Alo, iubirea mea, sunt eu, fericirea.
Alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso,
Ti-am dat beep,Ju si sunt voinic,
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
By Anonymous, At March 15, 2006 12:09 pm
nah don't be too hard on gary.
What you says is pretty valid but I personally believe that you need to fine tune your moral compass.(not that you are immoral) You need a right heart to handle the wealth that is to come. If you have the mind to get the wealth without the heart to manage it then it probably will be done on expense of others.Hopefully you can incoporate some of the valid points others have brought up to include it in your goals in the future. All the best gary :)
By Anonymous, At March 15, 2006 5:16 pm
It's evident that Gary is an highly intelligent individual with a limited life experience. Let's hope housemanship and NS change him considerably before he gets his hands on a leadership post of any sort.
Inidentally, I'm interested to know which year gary is in. Just so that i know which HO/MO to avoid when the time comes.
By Anonymous, At March 24, 2006 5:14 am
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