Sick, sick people 11
Well, here we go again (emphasis mine)...
Homosexuality: Legalising something that is not right does not make it right
THE views I have regarding the current controversy of decriminalising gay sex is purely personal. However, I will not be surprised if other like-minded Singaporean mothers share my views.
I had the opportunity to travel and live in North America, and experienced life in cities where homosexuality is openly acceptable.
While in San Francisco for a medical conference, my attempt to explore the city was marred by the Gay Pride Parade. There were rainbow flags all over the city, and the public transport system was paralysed because of the event.
My spouse and I lived in Toronto several years ago, while on a work attachment at a reputable hospital in the city. When we first arrived, we stayed at a hostel at Church Street. The irony was that it's the street where homosexuals hang out in.
I attended an eye-opening play at a gay theatre, about the gay lifestyle, performed by gays. The play was written by a 14-year-old school girl, and received good reviews for its literary merits on national newspaper.
A local paediatrician colleague openly introduced her lesbian partner to us.
Most of the bookshops in North America will have significant sections for gay and lesbian literature, and not infrequently, they are right next to the children's books section.
I returned fully convinced that Singapore is still the best place to raise my children.
However, with casinos coming in, and now the push for the legal acceptance of an 'alternative lifestyle', our younger generation's moral compass will sway even more uncertainly.
As a paediatrician, I remain an advocate for the well-being of our children. Today's children and adolescents already have enough health and psycho-social issues to grapple with. They don't deserve the added problems of homosexuality and rising HIV infections.
When local schools teach that homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle, and my children's teachers are open about their homosexual relationships, I will quit my immensely satisfying career to home-school my children.
When local church/religious leaders sanction same-sex marriages and ordain homosexual ministers, I will quit going to church and will not send my children to a mission school.
The day Singapore becomes like San Francisco, foreign talents can come in all they like, but there would not be much left to keep me in Singapore.
I am not aware of any convincing medical literature that proves that homosexuality is genetic. Mankind has struggled with homosexuality since biblical times.
I am not expressing my views from a position of strength. As human beings, we all have our struggles and temptations.
However, legalising something that is not right does not make it right, does it?
Dr Ang Su Yin
How dare those gays:
- hang rainbow flags in the city!
- paralyse the public transport system by having a parade!
- hang out on Church Street!
- write and perform in plays about homosexuality!
- openly introduce their partners to us!
- publish and sell books about homosexuality!
Surely they deserve imprisonment for doing all those things which only heterosexual people are entitled to? Let us doctors quit our jobs and punish Singapore with a shortage of doctors if they ever dare to decriminalise sex between men.
No, Dr Ang, legalising something that is not right does not make it right, but neither is something that has been criminalised in an archaic law automatically wrong.
Children do not deserve the problem of rising HIV infections (which is attributable mainly to heterosexual transmission), and angry doc believes they do not deserve to be brought up to discriminate against other people in the name of God either. And that is my purely personal view.
Labels: homophobia, letters
As a paediatrician, I remain an advocate for the well-being of our children.
When local schools teach that homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle
As a paediatrician, Dr. Ang does need to get some fundamental facts correct. She does her profession a disservice by displaying not only her bigoted, homophobic views but her ignorance.
Dr. Ang needs to know that no one *chooses* to be homosexual. And no, it isn't a lifestyle choice either.
These homosexuals must be really brain-dead to *choose* an *alternative* lifestyle over an heterosexual one so that they can be persecuted, derided and generally attract the odium and contempt of friends and family and society at large.
Dr Ang and other homophobes like her should rid themselves of their antediluvian Talibanistic views on homosexuality and join the rest of the human race in the 21st century. They should perhaps start by reading a letter by another mother, short - excerpt below;
"As the mother of a gay son," her article began, "I've seen firsthand how cruel and misguided people can be. Many letters have been sent to the Valley News concerning the homosexual menace in Vermont.... I've taken enough from you good people. I'm tired of your foolish rhetoric about the `homosexual agenda' and your allegations that accepting homosexuality is the same thing as advocating sex with children. You are cruel and ignorant. You have been robbing me of the joys of motherhood ever since my children were tiny. My firstborn son started suffering at the hands of the moral little thugs from your moral, upright families from the time he was in the first grade."
Read the full text ---> A Vermont mother of gay child speaks out against homophobia
Anonymous, At
July 20, 2007 1:33 am
...and it goes on and on and on...
aliendoc, At
July 20, 2007 12:56 pm
aliendoc said...
...and it goes on and on and on...
What exactly is your point? Are you a homophobe too? Are you suggesting that this topic is boring? Insignificant? What???
JB, At
July 20, 2007 3:48 pm
Nope, not a homophobe. Just tired of all the intolerance...
aliendoc, At
July 20, 2007 4:16 pm
Dr. Ang needs to know that no one *chooses* to be homosexual. And no, it isn't a lifestyle choice either.
These homosexuals must be really brain-dead to *choose* an *alternative* lifestyle over an heterosexual one so that they can be persecuted, derided and generally attract the odium and contempt of friends and family and society at large."
quoted for truth! you can't just go 'oh just because we don't allow them to go around doing what they do it means they don't exist'.
given that the gay community already exists and isn't going to just disappear overnight, why not just be civil to them, the same way we are civil to everyone else on earth!
KC, At
July 20, 2007 9:13 pm
Lets get her and her family an air ticket to ohio, where she can mingle with like minded people.
Anonymous, At
July 20, 2007 9:17 pm
Good article, Angry Doc.
It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so personally offended by what total strangers do in their private space.
The source of such deep hatred can only come from... oh the usual "like-minded" places.
Today's children and adolescents already have enough health and psycho-social issues to grapple with. They don't deserve the added problems of homosexuality and rising HIV infections.
Hey she's forgeting the potential problems that evil, perverse, heterosexual and paedophilic people can inflict on innocent young minds!
Nah, I'm sure that as a paediatrician Dr. Ang isn't aware of any convincing evidence that proves that heterosexuals can do any harm to children.
The Key Question, At
July 22, 2007 12:26 pm
The source of such deep hatred can only come from... oh the usual "like-minded" places. - Lim Leng Hiong
"In the middle of a night in 1958, the sheriff came and arrested the couple. They were convicted but given a suspended sentence.
In that year, only 4% of their fellow countrymen approved of their kind of relationship. There was extensive moral disapproval and a huge consensus behind the law."
"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, and red, and he placed them on separate continents," the sentencing judge proclaimed. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."
“Mongrelisation” was a common term used to paint the outcome of interracial liaisons as a hideous debasement.
Dr. Ang I gather would be deeply offended with the term "mongrelization" should white supremacists and racists write in to the mainstream media to voice their protest(not in the Singapore press of course) should she or her children decide to marry a white person.
If she is indeed offended then she should stop behaving as a homophobe who like racists and bigots are ignorant and cruel to members of a minority who just happen to be different.
Anonymous, At
July 23, 2007 1:40 pm
THE views I have regarding the current controversy of decriminalising gay sex is purely personal. However, I will not be surprised if other like-minded Singaporean mothers share my views.
Congratulations Dr Ang Su Yin! You are in esteemed and infamous company with the likes of Jerry Falwell who said,
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
Jerry Falwell, pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church, viewed the attack of 9/11 as God's judgment on America for "throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools.
I would add, for people like Dr. Ang, I really wish (if TAR works, then my wish would definitely materialise :-))for them to just transcend from here and go live in a more salubrious and pious place in Afghanistan with the Talibans, who would equally impose their *pure* morality on her and her right to go to school or be a doctor on account that she is a mere creature of the inferior sex.
Please stop showing your face in public and wear the Burka. Shame on you. And for goodness sake learn to be servile, walk thirty steps ( or is it ten?) behind us men in public and serve us unquestioningly as you were meant to.
Yours in sanctimonious, moral uprightness.
JB, At
July 23, 2007 3:02 pm
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