Clearthought Singapore
Leng Hiong at Fresh Brainz has invited angry doc to join Clearthought Singapore, presumably a loose association of skeptical blogs in Singapore - he wasn't very clear on that bit...
angry doc thinks we are supposed to fight irrational thinking where we find them, promote public understanding of science and the scientific method, and help old ladies cross the road, but only when they want to get to the other side. Or something like that.
Now all angry doc needs is a superhero costume...
Labels: pseudoscience
Thanks for putting up the sticker!
Yes Angry Doc, it is a loose association of skeptical blogs - a tiny beginning.
The Clearthought Singapore sticker identifies a blogger who uses clear expression of ideas and a lively style of writing to promote science and rational thinking.
As our country encounters more complex ethical, social and technological issues in the coming years, such a collection of rational blogs will enrich the intellectual discourse on the blogosphere.
It will also become a dependable resource to the public who are hungry to know the details of what is really happening, from bloggers who are good at analyzing problems critically and may also have first-hand expertise in these areas.
As for superhero costumes... heh heh... you've just given me a really cool idea for something bizarre. I'll go work on it for a week and see what comes up...
The Key Question, At
September 23, 2007 10:42 am
Angry Doc, you don't want a super hero costume, do you? Wouldn't you feel self-conscious in public with your underpants outside your tights?
Anonymous, At
October 08, 2007 8:37 pm
angry doc goes commando - he doesn't wear underpants on the inside OR the outside!
angry doc, At
October 09, 2007 5:22 pm
First of all, I like ask/know why/what make you think/have the title of ClearThought as an idea? Because this is exactly what had attracted me to make a contact here? Thank you for ur kind & prompt response/feed!
David, At
July 13, 2009 9:56 am
The name Clearthought was Leng Hiong's idea.
angry doc, At
July 13, 2009 10:15 am
Okay LLH will answer that part of the story then. Your question is if you don't mind:- what about accuracy of blood pressure readings regularly taken at home while one has the sign of strange chest pain with medication on?
David, At
July 13, 2009 10:23 am
My answer would be: go see a doctor.
angry doc, At
July 13, 2009 10:30 am
What will you say if most doctors did not offer convincing or satisfactory independent answer for me espcially young doctors nowadays? I am monitoring my own body condition according to my own direct feeling & condition & I believe doctors only show/guide me the way with medication juggling around! The reason for me to ask you because I am quite aware my own situation by watching/observing the checking Blood Pressure readings. Most doctors if not all rely on nurses or machine reading to get average claculation of BP in respect to heart beat. However, plse don't get angry as a doctor if you are not interested on this topic. Thank you!
David, At
July 13, 2009 5:01 pm
Mr Lim Leng Hiong, do please allow me to enquire here:- what is 'thought' by the way? Thank you for your kind & prompt response or feedback!
David, At
July 13, 2009 5:16 pm
"What will you say if most doctors did not offer convincing or satisfactory independent answer for me espcially young doctors nowadays?"
My answer would be: go see another doctor.
angry doc, At
July 13, 2009 5:36 pm
So which meant as well as accordingly, one does really need a qualified doctor to verify face to face for even a general mathematic calculation conversation or opinion, right? Perhaps that's why polyclinic cost merely $8+ for a single cousultation fee which took nearly an hour purely for any appointment not to mention the other time factors for preparation today. I now too realise doctor(s) in general, particular in wards' hospital, why they are usually too busy to stretch talking about the bits & pieces informative data & they seem to rush for the main point(s) instead while those assisants push back to doctors. This is why the situation promptly awakes me to do independent experiential experiment myself at home today as I had been having high blood presuure for the last 8 or 9 years & everything seem to be under control as per advices with medication juggling until recent heart-surgery being carried out for 2 stents inserted on one blockage blood vessel. All my family support & agree with me to come out with something because we have 50% high blood pressure among my own siblings family as well as my own family members. Thank you angry doc for your quick & decisive suugestion or answer in helping me clearing out my thought bubbles!
David, At
July 14, 2009 4:59 am
"Mr Lim Leng Hiong, do please allow me to enquire here:- what is 'thought' by the way? Thank you for your kind & prompt response or feedback!"
Hi David, the "thought" in Clearthought just has its usual meaning of mental activity, the process of thinking.
Hope that helps!
The Key Question, At
July 14, 2009 11:21 am
Thks! Yes, I agree thought is basically mental activity. The the next question arising is what's mental & so froth... Therefore thought(s) with clear mind such like mirror is termed as 'clearthought'. What about the humane physical/emotional part of heart? When I think it is the thought(s) bubbles & the heart is something else. I was quite interested in your article about (Labels: faith, psychology, science) on The Important of Independent Verification! But I unfortunately I am pretty poor in 'science' conceptive knowledge. Is "heart" you quote is the physical heart that can be transplanted? I am a student here & I am listening!
David, At
July 14, 2009 4:27 pm
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