Four Years
One thousand four hundred and sixty-two days.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight posts.
To celebrate this blog's fourth birthday, angry doc would like to share a bit of trivia with his readers: Angry Doctor was started on the same day The 40-Year-Old Virgin was released in the US.
This was of course just a coincidence - angry doc was not 40 years-old then.
Happy Blog Birthday, Angry Doc!
I don't know if my blog will last four years; I thought I could kill it by neglect but it keeps reviving itself...
By The Key Question, At August 19, 2009 12:43 pm
Pain keeps us going, Leng Hiong.
Pain and anger.
By angry doc, At August 19, 2009 2:36 pm
Hi Dr,
Great blog you have there!
I was going through your blog and found you have real good posts on your blog.
I actually run my own weight management franchise and my team and i are working on a project to reduce obesity in Malaysia and in the Asia region.
We are looking for some doctors to join in our project and i was wondering if you will be open to collaborating.
My site is
Feel free to have a look and we shall discuss again.
Jeremy here email
By tjerm, At August 19, 2009 5:41 pm
Thank you for the offer, Jeremy - I shall certainly remember it if I lose my current job.
By angry doc, At August 19, 2009 6:18 pm
Congrats Angry Doc,
I've been a fan for some time. Hope you continue to blog so that I can idle my time away whilst working on my mindless job. I read your blog when I'm about to contemplate career suicide by wanting to make a mid career switch back to medicine.
Your blog fan
PS here's a little trivia, I'm the anon which called you out on a certain post recently.
By Anonymous, At August 20, 2009 3:47 pm
Thanks, anon. It's good to have readers who challenge my posts - in fact I get disappointed when I make claims which are dodgy and no one picks up.
I still enjoy medicine - it's the patients that piss me...
By angry doc, At August 20, 2009 7:04 pm
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By Anonymous, At August 24, 2009 1:27 pm
Odd you didnt deny the virgin part.
By Ed, At August 24, 2009 11:43 pm
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