Angry Doctor

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fallacies and Misconceptions

(Posted on Singapore MD.)

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Four Years

One thousand four hundred and sixty-two days.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight posts.

To celebrate this blog's fourth birthday, angry doc would like to share a bit of trivia with his readers: Angry Doctor was started on the same day The 40-Year-Old Virgin was released in the US.

This was of course just a coincidence - angry doc was not 40 years-old then.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Quote of the Week 4

"... we are concerned about the public perception of persons with mental illness (PMIs) that may be generated from this report, or other similar reports.

We would like to add that anti-social personality disorder is not a mental illness, but a problem with personality traits that result in persistent anti-social acts (they are also sometimes called sociopaths or psychopaths)."

- Ms Rajeswari K., Executive Director of Singapore Association for Mental Health, on why it is okay to stigmatise people with anti-social personality disorder.


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Quote of the Week 3

"We don't talk about clinical trials. We're not reducing people to digits and statistics. We treat people as a whole. I don't think like most doctors do. I'm different."

- Dr Y. M. Wong, on stem cell "anti-aging" treatment

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Saturday, August 01, 2009

Begin at the end 2

(Posted on Singapore MD.)